
Toe Nail Fungus Help

In a Nail Fungus Study, a comparison of two topical preparations on toenail fungus in some studies. showed some surprising results. What was found was that traditional medicine and tea tree oil had roughly the same outcome. The traditional method uses an oral and topical treatment, the tea tree oil was applied in the form of 100% tea tree oil.

The study points out that recurrence of toenail fungal infection is common, and that in traditional therapies the cure rate can be anywhere from 4% to 92% depending on the drugs and topical treatments used.

Anywhere from one half to two thirds of the patients in both groups showed improvement.

One of the problems with topical treatments and nail disease is that there may be an underlying cause that is not addressed by the over-the-counter preparations or tea tree oil. As with any medical concern, it's wise to seek the counsel of a competent professional like your physician.

Home treatment in the study involved applying pure 100% tea tree oil to the infected nails several times a day. It appears that it's effectiveness might be partially attributed to the high absorptivity of tea tree oil.

Keep the toes and feet clean and dry as possible while treating for infection. Fungal infections often thrive in warm, humid environments.

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