
How Does Aromatherapy Work?

As an expert on tea tree oil, I've been asked, "How does aromatherapy work?"

Aromatherapy works on the principal that our body, mind, and soul respond to fragrances, scents, and odors in both positive and negative fashions.

As a "for instance", last night we were coming back from a friends ranch, ( we had taken our children out to go horseback riding), and on the side of the dirt road, we scared a skunk that promptly lifted it's tail at our van. The entire back seats of children erupted with "ewwwwwwww….." 

How does aromatherapy work? Some folks love the smell of patchouli oil, to them it is a sweet aroma. To me, patchouli oil takes me back to the age of about 6 or 8, in Laguna Beach of the 1960's and 70's.

I'm in the supermarket with my mom, and a foul smelling and filthy dirty hippie couple are in the same aisle we are, and the overwhelming smell of body stench, filth and dirt, are being covered by the overwhelming smell of patchouli oil.

To this day the smell of patchouli oil makes me feel ill. Aromatherapy at work in a negative fashion. Some aromas make us feel awesome! I love the smell of pine forests! It makes me remember camping trips with my family, and backpacking in the Sierras in college, and it's what I wake up to on cool morning when the air is damp here in Northern California.

Aromatherapy Home Recipes

Make your own aromatherapy love potion, try a few of these fragrances. Cinnamon, Myrhh, and Aloe, were mentioned in the book of Proverbs to scent a bed. You might also add in Calamus, spikenard, and saffron. Play with the fragrances and you just might find yourself warming up to using herbs, spices, and essential oils. Maybe your spouse will be asking you too, "How does aromatherapy work?"

The Art Of Aromatherapy Book

By Robert B Tisserand 

We are all drawn by the sensuous appeal of fragrant essences such as rose, jasmine,and lavender,but the knowledge of their practical application in healing is largely,unknown.

The essential oils of flowers and herbs have been used since the dawn of civilization for their healing,beautifying,and soothing properties. Over the past fifty years,these properties have been rediscovered and verified by European scientific research,establishing the therapeutic use of essential oils throughout the world.

How does aromatherapy work on the emotions and brain, and how can it benefit our lives?

Try using aromatherapy to spice up or restart your married love life.

How does aromatherapy work?

Scents are powerful stimulants to the brain, and can be used to create a mood, otherwise there would be no market for cologne or perfume. They have been used for thousands of years to invigorate love life and romance, as well as health.

The Bible even makes mention of the use of powerful fragrances for worship to God in the book of Exodus chapter 30, and for romance in the book titled, The Song of Solomon. 

Your breasts are like gazelles, twin deer feeding among lilies. I will stay on the hill of myrrh, the hill of incense, until the morning breezes blow and the darkness disappears.

How beautiful you are, my love; how perfect you are! Come with me from the Lebanon Mountains, my bride; come with me from Lebanon. Come down from the top of Mount Amana, from Mount Senir and Mount Hermon, where the lions and leopards live.

The look in your eyes, my sweetheart and bride, and the necklace you are wearing have stolen my heart.

Your love delights me, my sweetheart and bride. Your love is better than wine; your perfume more fragrant than any spice. The taste of honey is on your lips, my darling; your tongue is milk and honey for me. Your clothing has all the fragrance of Lebanon.

My sweetheart, my bride, is a secret garden, a walled garden, a private spring; there the plants flourish. They grow like an orchard of pomegranate trees and bear the finest fruits. There is no lack of henna and nard, of saffron, calamus, and cinnamon, or incense of every kind. Myrrh and aloes grow there with all the most fragrant perfumes.

Fountains water the garden, streams of flowing water, brooks gushing down from the Lebanon Mountains. Wake up, North Wind. South Wind, blow on my garden; fill the air with fragrance. Let my lover come to his garden and eat the best of its fruits

I have entered my garden, my sweetheart, my bride. I am gathering my spices and myrrh; I am eating my honey and honeycomb; I am drinking my wine and milk. Eat, lovers, and drink until you are drunk with love!

Song of Solomon 4:5-5:1( Good News Bible translation)

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